> At 12:08 AM 4/17/2004 +0200, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >On Apr 16 15:44, Peter Kok wrote:
> >> Q2: Could nontsec work with public key authentication?  I have 
> >> the account with several local user rights, "create token object, 
> >> logon 
> >> as a service' and 'replace a process level token'
> >
> >Did you give the SYSTEM account the right to read your ~/.ssh 
> >and the files in it?  Does the service know about nontsec (set CYGWIN
> >in global windows environment or through cygrunsrv)?  Is StrictModes 
> >to no in /etc/sshd_config?
> >From Peter's question it's not clear if his sshd is running as 
> If it is, then granting the privileges to the user should not be
> necessary, but that doesn't explain the problem.
> I can reproduce on an NT system, with sshd running as SYSTEM,
> but I can't explain it. Part of the debug output of ssh is given
> below, with and without ntsec. The difference is in the last few
> lines.
> Pierre
>It's a problem with the ntsec specific test in OpenSSH itself.  The
>test requires ntsec to be turned on for switching user context w/o
>password.  This isn't required anymore for a while but the test in
>OpenSSH still insists on ntsec for pubkey auth.
>I've send a patch to the portable OpenSSH developers list which 
>makes it into 3.8.1p1, which is due RSN.

Thank you Corinna for your quick response.  I just saw that OpenSSH has 
release 3.81pl on April 19, but unfortunately, it didn't include the 
new patch.  Can you please show me tips/website onto how I could 
compile the new modified bsd-cygwin_util.c to be used by cygwin?

Thanks in advance,

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