Hans Horn writes:

> Quite interesting indeed!
> Are there other benchmarks around that compare gcc3.x, gcc3.x (cygwin), etc
> against the gcc2.9x vintage?
> H.
> "chris" <caj <at> cs.york.ac.uk> wrote in message
> news:407C0198.4000707 <at> cs.york.ac.uk...
> > Alex Vinokur wrote:
> >
> > >        ========================================
> > >        Comparative Performance of C++ Compilers
> > >        C/C++ Performance Tests
> > >        =========================================
> > >
> > >
> > >

New copying methods have been added and checked:

    Test file modes : text, binary

    C-01      : Functions getc() and putc()
    C-02      : Functions fgetc() and fputc()
    C-03      : Functions fread() and fwrite()
    UNIX-C-04 : Function mmap
    CPP-01    : Operators >> and <<
    CPP-02    : Methods get() and put()
    CPP-03    : Methods sbumpc() and sputc()
    CPP-04    : Method sbumpc() and operator <<
    CPP-05    : Method rdbuf() and operator <<
    CPP-06    : Methods read() and write() with const buffer
    CPP-07    : Methods read() and write() with max buffer
    CPP-08    : Method getline
    CPP-09    : Method ifstream getline
    CPP-10    : Method iterators (istream_iterator, ostream_iterator)


   Alex Vinokur
     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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