On Tue, 20 Apr 2004, Rodrigo Medina wrote:

> Hi all,
> My whishes for SETUP:
> 1- In the list of packages include its size. It is very important
> for people with slow connexions, so they can easily program
> what to download and in which order. For example you may decide
> not to download an updated 16MB fonts package with minor changes.
> Right now you discover that the package has 16MB only after the
> downloading of that package has started. Then you have to abort
> setup and start again. (This is related to point 2-).

FYI, I have a patch that sort of does this, but it needs further tuning
(which won't happen for a bit due to lack of time).  If you volunteer to
work on it, I'll send what I have to the cygwin-apps list, and, once it's
in CVS (hopefully), you can fine-tune it and submit further patches.

> 2- When you are downloading into a temporal directory, SETUP
> downloads the packages even if they are already in the temporal
> directory but are still not installed. I think this is a real  nuisance.
>  Consider the case that for some reason the downloading
> is interrupted (this is likely to happen if you have a slow connexion).
> Say you have already downloaded 90% of the packages (that could take
> hours). SETUP starts again from the beginning. This can lead to a
> never ending process.
> You have two choices:
> a) To install what was already downloaded before starting a new
> setup-downloading session. This in some cases could be dangerous
> when you are installing packages that require some other package
> that you have not still downloaded.
> b) To look at the files in the temporal directory to check what
> files are already downloaded and mark those files KEEP (or SKIP)
> in the package list. Should not be SETUP an automatic process?
> I think that to solve these two problems require minor changes
> of SETUP and would really improve its performance.
> bye,
> Rodrigo Medina

This shouldn't happen.  If you have a specific *reproducible* testcase,
please report it to the cygwin-apps list.  Note that since this doesn't
happen for most people, you'll be expected to invest some effort in
debugging it on your system.
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ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'           Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
    '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL     a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

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