Greetings all , 

I have been attempting to setup Cygwin to access my Samba Network shares 
without a great deal of success.

Here is what I have done so far ... 

1. The samba share is mapped to network Drive K:
2. Cygwin HOMEDRIVE is set to K:
3. Cygwin HOMEPATH is set to \ 
4. my Linux samba user has been entered into the Gygwin passwd file as 
shown below
<<Windows domain user>>
Daren Grant,U-WINDOWSDOMAIN\dazza,

<<Windows domain user>>

This correctly reports the uid for files that i own 

My default group on the linux side has been entered into the group file 
under cygwin so that the group ids are picked up correctly on ls

Domain Users:S-1-5-21-200030454-450000000-1000000905-513:10512:
<<Linux Group>>

Everything appears to be setup perfectly , if i ls -ln my homespace i get 
the following . 

drwxr-xr-x+   4 11202    10512           0 Apr 19 17:13 tmp
drwxr-xr-x+   3 11202    10512           0 Aug 27  2002 tmpDoc
drwxr-xr-x+   2 11202    10512           0 Feb 27  2003 tmpIcons
drwxr-x---+   4 11202    10512           0 Jan 17  2002 unix_source
-rw-------    1 11202    10512       11387 Feb 23 16:21 weir.gPJ
drwxr-x---+   3 11202    10512           0 Jun 27  2003 win_regression
drwxr-x---+   3 11202    10512           0 Jun 19  2003 win_src
drwxr-xr--+  10 11202    10512           0 Feb 24  2003 workspace
drwxr-xr-x+   2 11202    10512           0 Apr 22 13:51 zebb

and id reveals my user as 

uid=11202(dazza) gid=10512(Domain Users)
groups=0(root),544(Administrators),545(Users),10513(Domain Users)

However i cannot ls in a directory that has no global read attribute , 
I cannot read a file that is set to user read ie weir.gPJ above 

I can access , and read these files via windows explorer , but 
Cygwin fails to allow me access ... Can anyone help ?



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