
After posting this message to emacs.xemacs.windows and following the advices I have been told, I found out that this happens only with Xemacs Cygwin build. Thus, I hope it would be a relevant discussion for this group.

*the problem setting*
The shell-mode(using bash) at Xemacs(21.4.15) called from Bash (2.05b.0(1)-release) running Cygwin(1.42) on WindowsXP-SP1

*the ISSUE*
Error messages from certain Windows console programs (such as the Fortran compilers LaheyF95 and Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6) (hereafter I will refer these as Compiler) are not displayed at the shell-buffer. Instead the errors are flushed to a DOS console that dissappears immidiately after the compilation is finished and the regular messages (logo and stuff) are displayed at the shell-buffer as usual.

- When the Compiler is invoked directly from Bash, everything works fine, all messages are there and in fact, output redirection works as expected. The error mesages can be redirected with the usual 2>myfile.
- This issue does not occur with all console applications (for instance I tried with MSVC++6/7 and they are working fine). Among the ones I tested, only these fortran Compilers has this behaviour. This is also why I fail to find a reproducible example for submitting as a test case here (though, you may download a trial version from http://www.lahey.com/ and test with a erroneous Fortan code, if you really agree that this is a significant issue and worth the trouble).
Here is a sample failing FORTRAN code
program fail
end program nail
- As I mentioned before this problem happens only with Xemacs Cygwin build. Native-Windows build is working fine.

My question is, it seems that the output from the Compiler is flushed to that blinking console, what may be the cause of this? Are there other outputs other than STDERR and STDOUT, that Cygwin is handling properly, but the shell-mode in Xemacs is failing?

Thank you so very much!!
- Levent

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