On Sun, 2 May 2004, Alessio Sangalli wrote:

> Hi, I would like to send faxes with the eafx program under cygwin.
> I've tried to compile it and I had to hack a bit the source and the
> Makefile.
> You can donwload the efax sources at:
> http://www.cce.com/efax/
> I've used the "stable" release:
> ftp://ftp.metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/apps/serialcomm/fax/efax-0.9.tar.gz
> I had to edit the "efaxio.c" source file adding:
> #define SIGIOT 6
> then I had to edit efaxlib.h on line 94; this was a strange issue to me,
> I had to modify "O_TEXT=6" in "O_TXT=6".
> I also had to modify the Makefile to create an executable called
> "efax.exe" instead of a simple "efax".
> Now, the program seems to run, but it doens't recognizes /dev/modem as a
> device:
> $ ./efax.exe
> ./efax: Sun May 02 15:44:00 2004 efax v 0.9 Copyright 1999 Ed Casas
> ./efax: Sun May 02 15:44:00 2004 efax v 0.9 Copyright 1999 Ed Casas
> efax: 44:00 compiled May  2 2004 15:40:02
> efax: 44:00 Error: can't open serial port /dev/modem: No such file or
> directory
> efax: 44:00 done, returning 2 (unrecoverable error)
> I tried to specify "com1" as a device but it hangs:
> $ ./efax.exe -d com1
> ./efax: Sun May 02 15:44:04 2004 efax v 0.9 Copyright 1999 Ed Casas
> ./efax: Sun May 02 15:44:04 2004 efax v 0.9 Copyright 1999 Ed Casas
> efax: 44:04 compiled May  2 2004 15:40:02
> efax: 44:05 opened com1
> efax: 44:05 Error: tcgetattr on fd=3 failed: Not a typewriter
> Do you have any advice? Thank you
> Alessio Sangalli

Try "ln -s /dev/ttyS0 /dev/modem".  FWIW, RedHat 7.2 Linux doesn't have
/dev/modem, and neither do some other Linuces/Unices, so the above program
is non-portable to say the least.
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ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'           Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
    '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL     a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

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