Vince Hoffman wrote:

Checkpoint appear to be distributing cygwin1.dll (as well as gzip and
gtar) without any obvious sources available. if fact of the 3 GPL utils
its the only that doesnt have its own copying notice (they do at least
provide a copy of the GPL.)

Go read the GPL; you only need to provide sources to people who _ask_for_them_. These days, you could probably just refer them to a web page or something. Also, they have to make any _changes_ they've made to the source available.

Including GPL'd code in a project as a shared library/DLL is just peachy; GPL requires the end-user to be able to replace/upgrade the GPL'd hunk without intervention.

I went through all this nonsense (IMHO) when I built a binary Python distribution for BeOS way back when... I wanted to include readline support, but libreadline is GPL'd.

I havent contacted them about this as i could be in error and havent at
the moment got time for an exaustive search of their site, but i thought
i'd best let the list know.

So contact their tech support and tell them you want the code for cygwin1.dll, gzip, tar, plus any changes they've made to the code...

Hope I wasn't sounding too snippy in this message, I've actually had to explain this several times this week. Must be related to the change in seasons. ;-)

Chris Herborth                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Documentation Overlord, CRYPTOCard Corp.
Never send a monster to do the work of an evil scientist.

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