> From: Brian Kelly
> Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 6:58 PM

> >> I'd like to use on other machines as well - without Cygwin.
> >> Any opinions?
> > cgf writes ->
> > I have one:  Find another mailing list if you want to discuss ways of
> > not using cygwin.  This is a mailing list devoted to actually *using*
> > cygwin.
> I've read a LOT of cgf's one liner's, but this one *actually* broke me
> up for a change! (I'm still chuckling!)

Well, many times I find these kind of boring and rather counter productive.
This time I believe he even bites his own tail ;-p . The OP has no other way
than actually use cygwin (i.e. the cygwin1.dll) - thus m[rs] OP should be
welcome here - according to any rules I can understand. Nuff said.

/Hannu E K Nevalainen, B.Sc. EE - 59+16.37'N, 17+12.60'E

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