I'm having trouble setting variables using the 'read' command in bash.

All of the following lines fail to set $var and return a blank line.
  - echo "text" | read var ; echo $var
  - cat file | read var ; echo $var
  - read var < file | echo $var

I can get it work by explicitly declaring the file descriptor with the file
redirection, but I'd prefer to use a pipe.
  - read -u 0 var <file ; echo $var

Another related quirk, is that variables set within 'while read' loops lose
their values once the loop ends.  The following example displays "text text"
within the loop and blank line outside.
  - echo "text" |\
    while read
      foo=$REPLY ; bar="text"
      echo $foo $bar
    echo $foo $bar

Is this a feature of bash or a bug?  If it is a feature is there a

My setup is Cygwin 1.5.9-1 and Bash 2.05b-16 under Windows XP Pro 5.1 SP1


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