Igor Pechtchanski wrote:

Why not try it locally, like this:

echo echo $PATH
echo 'echo $PATH'
echo "echo $PATH"

and then

sh -xc 'PATH=/blah;echo $PATH'
sh -xc "PATH=/blah;echo $PATH"

Aah. I forgot about the meanings of various quotes in bash. That's an excellent example.

2. Is there a file (.rc something-or-other perhaps?) that I can create
that will make the "source /etc/profile" call once plink connects, so I
can have the right path when <command> happens?

Well, you can tell ssh to invoke a login shell (e.g., "ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] bash -l -c 'commands'"). I don't know about plink.

plink also allows commands to be run. That "bash -l -c 'commands'" works great. I see if there's any way to change the code to use it, but that solves my problem.

Can I change the cygwin environment (server side) to handle both (a) and
(b) in the same way?

No. If you run the above experiments, you'll see why.

Yup. Thanks.

This has nothing to do with Cygwin. This is pure shell stuff.

I guess I didn't know the original PATH was the windows one. That makes more sense now. So I'd see the same thing on a Linux box using pure ssh. If the PATH were changed by /etc/profile, and I didn't use the "bash -l -c 'commands'" stuff to force a bash login, then I wouldn't see the new PATH there either.

I assume that the only way to 'source /etc/profile' requires a change to the content after "ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED]". For example, '"ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] bash -l -c 'commands'" and "ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] source /etc/profile; commands" both work for me. I only wish I could "ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] commands" and have it work. I've got the info I need to figure out a different solution, though. Thanks!


It helps immensely. Thank you very much.


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