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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hank Statscewich
> Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 8:12 PM
> To: cygwin
> Subject: CRON problems
> Hello,
> I've been doing my best to read all the previous FAQ pages, 
> README documents, 
> and forum posts, but I am still having issues getting my cron 
> jobs to run the 
> way I want them to. If I explicitly start cron by calling 
> /usr/sbin/cron, then 
> my jobs run fine, but my application demands that the 
> computer be rebooted 
> daily and I will not be onsite to issue this comand. I would 
> like cron to start 
> up after reboot automatically and if I understand correctly, this is 
> accomplished by following the instructions in 
> which describe 
> how to shutdown the cron service, uninstall it, reinstall it 
> and start it. 
> Everything works just fine except for starting the service, 
> when I run: 
> cygrunsrv -S cron. I get this error message:
> cygrunsrv: Error starting a service: QueryServiceStatus:  
> Win32 error 1062:
> The service has not been started.
> After reading through some more posts I have become 
> thoroughly confused, so I 
> have resorted to asking for help. 
> The output from is:
> 1.2
> This script did not find any errors in your crontab setup.
> If you are still unable to get cron to work, then try
> shutting down the cron service, uninstalling it,
> reinstalling it, and restarting it.
> The following commands will do that:
>   $ cygrunsrv --stop cron
>   $ cygrunsrv --remove cron
>   $ cygrunsrv --install cron -p /usr/sbin/cron -a -D
>   $ cygrunsrv --start cron
> If none of this fixes the problem, then report your problem
> to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please include a copy of your crontab,
> ('crontab -l') and the output of 'cygcheck -srv > cygcheck.txt'.
> PLEASE include the generated files 'cygcheck.txt' *as an attachment*,
> and NOT in the body of the mail message.
> My crontab looks like this:
> # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
> # (/tmp/crontab.1244 installed on Wed May  5 23:57:19 2004)
> # (Cron version -- $Id: crontab.c,v 1.7 2003/04/15 15:13:41 
> corinna Exp $)
> 53 21 * * * shutdown -r -f now
> 58 * * * * tcsh /home/stats/Trans/programs/hourly_mover.tcsh
> 03 22 * * * tcsh /home/stats/Trans/programs/daily_mover.tcsh 
> Thanks in advance for your help. I have attatched 
> cygcheck.txt as instructed.
> Hank
> -- 


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