I noticed a reference to this checkbox in a previous e-mail and it sparked my 
curiousity. I am not sure if it is relevant to what I am trying to achieve, but it
sounds like it might be.

I need to connect to a client's site across two firewalls. This requires that I 
first connect to an intermediate server and from there to the client's network.
GUI from my desktop to intermediate server is fine(ish) and the GUI from that
server to the client performs OK(ish). The combination is abysmal. So I have 
been moving from a GUI based environment to a command line (using ssh).
Unfortunately, with windows there are some things it is just not worth trying
to do via command line - at least I haven't learnt all the methods yet. But,
even if I had, there will always be the possibilty of requiring GUI for some
new emergency requirement.

Does the option in the subject line allow me to use GUIs via ssh? If so, how
do I make use of it? Environmental issues? 

Any pointers appreciated.


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