>> I'm sorry that I can't provide cygcheck output
>> or anything helpful: the entire application
>> (both bash and rxvt -e bash) failed even to start.

> FYI: start a CMD.EXE, "cd c:\cygwin\bin"
> (replace "c:\cygwin" by the root of your Cygwin
> installation), and run ".\cygcheck.exe".


Thanks. But adopting this approach and running .\cygcheck with 20040525
gave exactly the same Windows-generated error message. I tried your
approach with 20040520 and things are fine.

Gulp. When I posted the problem I was expecting precisely one "me too"
from somebody before we were ticked off for "me too"ing. From your
helpful suggestion, I conclude that what fails for me works for you,
which is a bit of a downer.

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