> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner  On Behalf Of vdu
> Sent: 27 May 2004 09:16

> script ssh-user-config fails because user SYSTEM does not exit in my
> '/etc/passwd' file, it was created using 'mkpasswd -d 
> <domain>', which does
> not create any SYSTEM user. I enter 'mkpasswd -l' to see if 
> it creates a
> SYSTEM user, and it does. So why 'mkpasswd -d <domain> does not ??

  To explain the same thing twice in the same morning:

  SYSTEM is a local account; it has utmost (rooter-than-root) priviliges on
your local machine but it's not a member of the domain and has no access
rights there.

  Did you know you can combine both flags ?  "mkpasswd -l -d" should work
for you.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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