
> > (apologies for top posting, I use Novell GroupWise and it only
> > replies this way)
>   Are you really claiming that it won't let you move the cursor to
after the
> quoted text and type new text?  Nor would it let you copy and paste
>  quoted text from the top of the message to the bottom?  Yet it does
let you
> edit the quoted text enough to delete some and replace it with the
> "snip", as you did in that post?  That seems rather strange to me.

Not at all, I have gotten so used to the fact that it doesn't "quote"
the original mail properly. Rather than using a line marker or
indentation it simply an exact copy of the original message in the body
and puts the responders email address at the top. 

When you are dealing with long emails that contain a number of replies
it becomes somewhat of a task to add them yourself as I have done here.
I'm so used to it now I didn't think to do it when I responded to Igor.

>   Please, please, read http://cygwin.com/acronyms/#PCYMTNQREAIYR

Noted and thanks for the pointer.


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