On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 07:49:15PM +0200, Jacek Trzmiel wrote:
> Jacek Trzmiel wrote:
> > $ mkdir /testmnt/cygwin/test
> > $ cd /testmnt/cygwin/test
> 20040530 snapshot:
> Same command run as above, but preceded by strace:
> $ strace cvs -d /testmnt/cvsrep co prj
> Checkout does work like in 1.5.10-3 version (no errors displayed, unix
> endlines in all files).  Heisenbug?

In fact that's normal. When cygwin starts under strace it only knows
the Windows current directory. In your (strange) environment, that directory
can be mapped to two different Posix directories, one in bin mode and
one in text mode. Cygwin doesn't know which one you mean to be in.

Please try 
cd /
strace -o trace.txt sh -c "cd /testmnt/cygwin/test; cvs something"
choosing a "something" that displays the problem without
generating a huge trace.


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