Larry Hall wrote:

Look at 'etc/defaults/etc/profile'.  It explains how Cygwin looks for
and determines what to set HOME to.  You should be able to track what's
going on from there.

From what I read there it seems it is setting home based on the values of HOMEDRIVE/HOMEPATH but before it does that it first checks the /etc/passwd file for a path entry for the user and by default there isn't one, and now I can't find where HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH get set, I just added /home/administrator to the appropriate line in the /etc/passwd file and that took care of it.

Now if I could just figure out why, when I hit the [Delete] key in bash, I get a '~' character instead of deleting the character the cursor is at, I would be set. At least as far as cygwin goes anyway.

Chris W

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