The only downside is if you need the output to go to a file or a pipe to a
different program.

If you still have ls aliased to "ls --color", then this:

ls > /tmp/filelist

will still put escape codes in filelist.  "ls --color=auto" won't - it will
keep it plain ascii text.

If you never do that, then it's not an issue though.

"geneSmith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Joe wrote, On 7/1/2004 11:09 AM:
> > Either don't use color or change it to --color=auto.
> >
> > I alias ls to "ls -x -color=auto".
> >
> > Then "ls | less" gives you columns without escape codes.
> >
> > If you want a single column, use "ls -1 | less".  The -1 overrides
the -x in
> > the alias and gives one column.  Or leave out the -x if you never want
> > columns when piping to less.
> Thanks for the info. However when I put
> alias less="less -R"
> in my ~/.bash_profile it seem to work and and still get colors when I do
> ls -l | less.
> -gene

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