On Fri, Jul 02, 2004 at 09:58:23AM +0800, rudolf wrote:
>I got the answers from Larry Hall about cygwin posix functions.
>Then I have the last question.
>Is there any way to invoke posix functions from cygwin1.dll under MSVC
>without cygwin installed and only run cygserver ?

I guess it doesn't occur to you that you are basically asking the same
question over and over again does it?

The answer is:  No.  cygserver is a cygwin program.  You need cygwin
to run it.

Now, I would like to kindly ask you to go elsewhere in your quest not to
use cygwin.  As has been pointed out before, this mailing list is for
discussing how to use cygwin not how not to use cygwin.

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