Hello from Gregg C Levine
Two questions:
One, whose "Windows CVS Client" are you using? Is it the GUI based one
that's described somewhere on the home page for CVS?
Two, what is your error message? Please post the full error message.

Also, most CVS clients for Linux, anyway, need to have a .cvspass file
created in the user's $Home directory, since I work as the root user,
(which normally you, or I, should not do), that may be needed.

Now folks, if I spoke out of turn here, please don't complain on list,
please do so off list. 

And incidentally please not my intentions behind obscuring the
addresses, especially the list.
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"Use the Force, Luke."  Obi-Wan Kenobi

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner atsign cygwin dot com On
> Behalf Of Martin Gainty
> Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 9:58 PM
> To: cygwin atsign cygwin dot com
> Subject: WindowsCVS Client
> Hello All
> Is there a mechanism to check that a login will in effect
authenticate to a
> CVS Server?
> I get nothing but error with no detail using the Windows CVS Client
> Many Thanks,
> martin
> --
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