Hello there,

Hope one of you guys can help me out here.

I've discovered the following oddity with Cygwin Perl v. 5.8.2's "do" operator:
The following two forms of "do" do work:
  do "c:\\foo.pl";
  do "/cygdrive/c/foo.pl";

The following doesn't:
  do "c:/foo.pl";

The funny thing is that almost any other Perl function/operator works with 
the latter form. The following, for instance, does NOT die (given that 
c:\foo.pl exists, of course):
  die 'c:/foo.pl does not exist' if not -f 'c:/foo.pl';

Also, other Cygwin programs handle the form well. For instance
  eval `cat u:/foo.pl`;
also works well.

What is the problem with the "do" operator?

Any help is highly appreciated.

/René Bøje Nielsen

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