On Thu, 08 Jul 2004, Vinay Kumar wrote:

> Dear all,
>      I am facing strange problem. I have a directory test1 in which there
> are number of files. I am running following command and see some problem
> here.
> $ ls test1/* | wc
>  2745    2745   32724
> So total number of charcter if all filename is written on command line is
> 32724. Now I create another file.
> $ touch test1/a
> $ ls test1/*
> bash: /bin/ls: Invalid argument
> ls does not work in this case. Is there any limitation on total number of
> charcters in command line? How could we change it to higher limit?
> I am using cygwin and fileutils-4.1-2.

This is a unix question.

$ ls -1 test1 | wc
$ touch test1/a
$ ls -1 test1 | wc

You do not need the '/*' at the end of the ls.


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