
when using an secureshell on an Windows-Box, running cygwin and
openssh, i receive an disconnect when the Windows user just loggs off
(no shutdown nor restart !).

I just tried the same. My remote session didn't disconnect when the local user logged off.

That's strange. I see an errormessage like:

Received disconnect from Command terminated on signal 1.

Can you/anybody give me a hint how to solve this ? Or what to do next
to find the source of it ?

Looks like you aren't starting sshd as a service. Are you even using WinNT/2k/XP?
Service is started as "LocalSystem" on WindowsNT 4.0
But your question pointed me to the right direction and i finally found the error.
I choose "Interact with desktop" in the service-dialog to do funny things like starting applications for users :-)
If i uncheck this, my sessions thays active, even if the user loggs off.

I wonder if there is a way to prevent this ?!
It would be very nice to start programs from within a ssh-shell, e.g. start "iexplore c:\adminwarn.html" to show the user that someone's working on his machine.

Oliver Geisen --------------------------------------- Systemadministrator Kreisboten Verlag Mühlfellner KG Telefon: 0881/686-63 Telefax: 0881/686-74 Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---------------------------------------

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