On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 11:24:04AM +0200, Daniel Lungu wrote:
>> -----wrong-nil(!)-exit-status-----
>> % nerr-cl.exe; echo $?
>> 0
>> $? cannot distinguish exit(0) from exit(-2) ... this is 
>> logical anarchy!
>:)   Ah, but those aren't just two different values passed to exit, they are
>:) in fact two entirely different versions of the exit function: gcc links in
>:) the version from newlib, whereas msvc links in the version from msvcrt.
>What I meant was calling same msvcrt exit() with status = {0,-2} (in
>:)   So the problem really is that the Windoze version of the exit function
>:) isn't POSIX compliant.  Still, we already knew that windoze != unix.  
>:) That's why cygwin exists, after all!
>Right. Still, Cygwin could do better. See below.

Please read up on how the wait() function works.  This is what cygwin
emulates on Windows.

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