Larry Hall wrote:

It was also reported that creating an import library (or stub library)
for the executables functions is sufficient if it is linked in, IIRC it

this might be more acceptable, but I have no idea of how to go about that... Anybody knows more about how to do this?

was the same problem with naim & plugins.  Maybe there are some useful
hints in the naim sources.

Wouldn't this work, substituting "executable" for "DLL" in the obvious places?


I've looked at this, and I'm willing to give it a try, but I'd like to test this first on a small sample. Does anybody have any suggestions on how I can test this? I'm a little worried that when you use something like 'dlltool --dllname foo.exe ....' the name of the executable is embedded in the import library, and that you therefore have to build that import library with the executable already installed in its final location.

There was also discussion of this in the email archives, if you're
interested in that.

Sorry, searched for that, but couldn't come up with any references of using dlltool in combination with an executable...


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