On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 15:09:37 -0700, Andrew DeFaria wrote:
> Tomasz Rojek wrote:
> > I would like to share with this tip with any cygwin newbie (all the
> > cygwin developers know it for sure :) I use a few text editors in my
> > daily work, today I finally ;) came to idea to have a shortcut
> > pointing to vim in my "Send to" right click submenu. I use this
> > command in a shortcut to run vim in rxvt window:
> >
> > C:\FOLDER\cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -display :0 -T vim -vb -sr -sl 10000 -bg
> > black -cr white -fg LightSteelBlue1 -j -fn
> > "-b&h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-sans-0-0-14-14-m-0-iso8859-2" -e
> > /usr/bin/vim
> >
> > Sending a file to vim works fine, drag&dropping any file on above
> > shortcut opens the file in vim too.
> Well personally I just use XEmacs instead of vim!
> But really I never really understood why people *want* to have to
> continually have to list and enumerate all of those settings to programs
> like rxvt such as "-display :0 -T vim -vb -sr -sl..." instead of just
> listing such resources in your ~/.Xdefaults file and giving is some sort
> of class name. That way you don't have to respecify all those options
> all the time and when you get tired of that "color scheme" and/or font
> settings you need only change your ~/.Xdefaults and wham all your old
> shortcuts work, instead of having to run around changing a bunch of
> shortcuts and their options...

While I also prefer ~/.Xdefaults, there are other reasons why he might have
those settings in the shortcut. Perhaps a different color scheme or
font for the
"Send to..." invocation (which I find very cool, by the way, I had
forgotten about
that trick).

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