Unfortunately, it won't be used on a real operating system, just windows. I write BASH scripts for Linux daily and have tried to use the & in this situation but the behavior doesn't seem to be the same.
We have an odd situation with some user's in one directory with one username and another with a different username and some in just one or the other. Long story...
I needed a way to obtain drive mappings from a directory based on user input on a standalone PC. Being familiar with BASH on Linux I stuck Cygwin BASH on windows 2000.
The script prompts the user for their username and password, then uses ldapsearch to get their home directory path, then uses windows "net use" to map H: to that path and a few other drives. The shares are on a very unstable active directory/windows 2003 setup. Again, long story... If I just call the four "net use" commands one at a time waiting for each to complete before it attempts the next, it will at times take over 5 minutes. Using the & after the "net use" commands does what I want with starting all the mappings without waiting on completion but my BASH window wont' go away until they have all completed.
On Linux, something simple like:
smbmount //srv1/share1 ~/share1 &
smbmount //srv1/share2 ~/share2 &
smbmount //srv1/share3 ~/share3 &
smbmount //srv2/share4 ~/share4 &

would work just fine.  Any ideas on how to accomplish the same thing here?


Jason Joines

Robert Pendell wrote:
And it is compatible for use on *bsd, linux, and unix.  So if you are
writing a script to be used on a real *nix or *bsd system then that
would be the one to use.

On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 15:00:26 +0200, Morche Matthias wrote:

...to set environmental variables for windows you can use regtool...
But in that case they get persistent...

...and the simplest equivalent to start is using & to background the command...


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf
Of Larry Hall
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 10:38 PM
To: Jason Joines; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: setting windows environment variables

At 04:18 PM 7/20/2004, you wrote:

I have a Cygwin BASH script which takes user input, uses

ldapsearch, etc., to set a bunch of environment variables. I can then use these from bash with no problem. I would also like to make these environment variables available to the windows command interpreter.

Is there anyway to do this?

Only if the windows command interpreter is a child of the
bash process you
run from.  Otherwise, your best bet is to export the variables as some
batch file and run that in the windows command interpreter.

Also, is there a BASH equivalent of the windows cmd

start command that lets you start many processes without having to wait on each to finish?

How about 'cygstart'?

-- Larry Hall http://www.rfk.com RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office 838 Washington Street (508) 893-9889 - FAX Holliston, MA 01746

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