
I'm relying on incremental feature of tar for my backup need. After
doing a lot of backups, I suddenly found an issue with this feature.

It seems if you move a file with an earlier date to the directory, the
incremental backuped archive of this directory does NOT have this file!

I'm using following script to test this,

#! /bin/sh
rm -fr test restore 1 2 snapshot

date > date.txt
sleep 90        #make an older file

mkdir test
mkdir test/1
mkdir test/2
echo 1 > test/1/1
echo 2 > test/2/2

#first backup
tar -cf test.tar --listed-incremental=snapshot test
mkdir 1
mv test.tar 1

#second backup
mv date.txt test/1
tar -cf test.tar --listed-incremental=snapshot test
mkdir 2
mv test.tar 2

mkdir restore
cd restore
tar -xf ../1/test.tar --listed-incremental=../snapshot
tar -xf ../2/test.tar --listed-incremental=../snapshot

diff -r test ../test


The output is 

Only in ../test/1: date.txt

Or did I do something wrong?

I really appreciate your reply.


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