Igor Pechtchanski <pechtcha <at> cs.nyu.edu> writes:

> *THAT'S IT*.  That's your problem right here.  Basically, setup will not
> change an existing /usr/bin mount, if there is one, and it will install
> things into /usr/bin, not /bin, so all of the new apps just went to
> wherever /usr/bin pointed to.  Your best bet would probably be to remove
> the "HKLM/SOFTWARE/Cygnus Solutions" key altogether, remove "D:\cygwin",
> and reinstall from scratch (you may also want to remove
> "c:\cygnus\cygwin-b20\H-i586-cygwin32", as it now contains the new Cygwin
> executables and is probably unusable).
> > That's not good if the installer is mixing up old and new installations
> > from completely different paths...
> Good point.  This is debatably a bug in the installer.  It *will* check
> whether the root mount is different and change the others accordingly, but
> it will not touch the /usr/bin and /usr/lib mounts if they point outside
> of the root.  Perhaps it should at least issue a warning if this is the
> case (as most of the Cygwin software relies on /usr/bin = /bin).  In the
> meantime, perhaps the installation guide should mention that if you had an
> old (really old) version of Cygwin on your machine, its mounts may confuse
> setup.
>       Igor

Ok, I've deleted the entire "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cygnus Solutions"
registry tree, renamed "c:\cygnus\cygwin-b20\" to
"c:\cygnus-hidethis\cygwin-b20\", and tried to install again.
But, for some reason, it *still* went ahead and created the
directory "c:\cygnus\cygwin-b20\H-i586-cygwin32\bin", stuck
the bin files in there, and pointed the "/usr/bin" registry
key to that.

I manually copied that bin directory to "D:/cygwin/bin" and
 changed the registry entry to point to that and now I can
 get into Cygwin and a shell.

However, now the problem I have is that when I'm in that shell,
 I can't get to /cygdrive/c or /cygdrive/c.  An ls on the root
directory reveals "bin  cygwin.bat  cygwin.ico  etc  home  lib
  usr  var", but not "cygdrive".

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