Hi -

I'm getting a problem with ImageMagick 6.0.3-1

I am having the same

assertion "list_info != (LinkedListInfo *) NULL" failed: file "/home/harold/ports/ImageMagick/ImageMagick-6.0.3/magick/hashmap.c", line 1033
Aborted (core dumped)

error that has already been noted on this list. I've tried the few solutions mentioned on the list but to no avail.

I really, really, need to get this to work!!

although its offtopic, if anyone knows of another way of converting a X bitmap (.xbm) to an .eps file for inclusion in a LaTeX document I'd be most most grateful. The native win32 ImageMagick does not seem to work; it creates a dodgy .eps file that nothing can read, including itself.


Colin Reveley

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