On Mon, Aug 09, 2004 at 09:22:01PM -0400, Mirko wrote:
>I understand that I may be mis-using Cygwin.  I am thus considering to 
>do the compilation and dll creation using MinGW, because, as I 
>understand it, that package is meant for program development on the MS 
>platform.  However, I am not certain as how to  create a DLL in MinGW 
>that is compatible with software compiled with MS' compiler.  I posted a 
>such a question on the MinGW list.
>Any suggestions or pointers to documentation?

If you don't need the UNIX-like utilities of cygwin, then you definitely
should be using MinGW for your efforts.  There really is very little
difference between building dlls using MinGW and Cygwin.

And, of course, MinGW questions belong on the mingw mailing list, as you

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