On 13 Aug 2004 at 14:27, Shane wrote:
> Hello,
> With Cygwin Core 1.5.9-1 I can successfully connect to a remote mysql
> server from a perl script in both the shell and also from a perl
> script called from a web page.  Great!
> With Cygwin Core 1.5.10-3  I can *NOT* connect to the remote mysql
> server from a web page called script.  Apache generates the error
> DBI->connect(database=test;host=<my hostname>) failed: Can't create
> TCP/IP socket (1)
> The same script called from a command line perl CAN conenct to the db
> without problem (after all the "make test" for DBD::mysql passed 100%)


I need to add the in switching between the two versions of the cygwin 
base dll  using the setup utility I had to also switch versions of 
Perl.  All other installed modules were latest versions.

cygwin 1.5.9-1 used perl 5.8.2-1
cygwin 1.5.10-3 used perl 5.8.5-2

missmatched versions give errors in perl.

So to be clear the two systems (one working and one not) differ in 
both cygwin and perl versions (nothing else).  Oddly both systems can 
connect to a remote DB from perl - just not when a browser calls the 
script from apache.

Lastly - it makes no difference which version of cygwin apache was 
compiled with. If we take a working system and then just upgrade perl 
and cygwin without rebuilding the error occurs.  Likewise a non-
working system that downgrades cygwin and perl suddenly works ok.

Hope this helps.

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