> Change the mount information in the registry

Or, if you are nervy about editing your registry,

1. It looks as though your mount points are still located on c: not g:?
At the bash prompt you could try


just to see what the mount points are. If still c:/.. then try

        mount -m > /bin/mnt.log

and then exit Cygwin. To be honest I'm not certain from what you have
said whether the file mnt.log will have ended up in the directory
c:\Cygwin\bin\ or g:\Cygwin\bin\ but in any case find it, and move to
that directory. From there, and in a command window using any editor,
change all mentions of "c:" in the file mnt.log to "g:". Then, still in
the command window

        .\umount -c
        .\umount -A
        .\bash mnt.log

should set your mount points correctly on g: not c:.


2. I think you should still find umount in either c:\Cygwin\bin\ or
g:\Cygwin\bin\ and from a command window move there and run

        .\umount -c
        .\umount -A

to get rid of all confusions about where you might or might not be
mounted. Then call up http://cygwin.com/setup.exe, press Open not Save,
and when the default 


is offered change it to


and then proceed to the end of setup. (You might or might not be offered
updates, that you can accept or not.) This will recover your mount


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