I am assuming that English is not your first language. Cygwin-function doesn't really have a meaning. Cygwin is a POSIX emulation layer for Windows.

I am inferring from the phrase "Win32's GetCurrentDirectory()"
that you are programming in some compiled language, most likely C or C++.

If the above assumptions are true then you probably need to download some development documentation.
You probably want the man page for getcwd().

A good place to start reading would be the cygwin website. Especially parts about problems, asking questions,
the cygwin API, and programming questions.

Good Luck

Mikael Åsberg wrote:

What's a Cygwin-function for getting the current directory? I don't want to use Win32's GetCurrentDirectory(), becuase I am developing a program that I want to be able to port to Linux with smallest possible effort.
What part of Cygwin's documentation have I failed to notice since I couldn't answer this question myself?

Thanks for any help!

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