I have resolved both problems.  The first is strange and might be a
bug.  The problem was that after adding a new env var in Windows it
wasn't getting added to my PATH in Cygwin when I ssh'ed in.  The only
way I could get the var added in was by rebooting my machine.  Does the
sshd process cache my Windows env vars when it starts?  That's all I
can come up with because I never had a problem when I would just start
a session with cygwin.bat.

The second problem with $HOME was just because I made a stupid mistake
and added a %HOME% in Windows.

--- Larry Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 10:14 AM 8/18/2004, you wrote:
> >I am experiencing some strange login behavior.  First, some
> bachground
> >on my situation.  I prefer the putty terminal over the MS cmd window
> >that cygwin.bat uses.  So I use putty and ssh into my cygwin
> account.
> >
> >Two problems.  One, when I ssh into my acct I'm not getting the
> latest
> >PATH entries I've entered via Windows.  I'll show some of my
> .bashrc:
> >
> >JAVA_HOME=~/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04
> >ANT_HOME=~/java/apache-ant-1.6.1
> >CATALINA_HOME=~/java/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.25
> >MYSQL_HOME=~/mysql
> >
> >PATH=$PATH:/cygdrive/c/Program\
> >
> >When I echo my PATH via a MS cmd window I get:
> >H:\>echo %PATH%
> >
> >So I would expect that Sun\AppServer entry to show up in my
> >Putty/Cygwin window.  Any ideas on this?
> Does it work with 'ssh'?  It works fine for me with 'ssh', even with
> pubkey
> authentication. ;-)  
> >Second issue (this might should be a seperate email) is related to
> the
> >Cygwin shortcut that runs the cygwin.bat.  For some reason my
> >.bash_profile/.bashrc aren't getting excuted.  And even worse my
> >is very different.
> >
> >In the MS cmd window (via cygwin shortcut) I get:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/home/erikweibust] $ cd
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] [~] $ pwd
> >/cygdrive/c/java/source
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] [~] $ echo $HOME
> >/cygdrive/c/java/source
> >
> >And then in the putty window I get:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] [~] $ cd
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] [~] $ pwd
> >/home/erikweibust
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] [~] $ echo $HOME
> >/home/erikweibust
> >
> >Anybody have any ideas?  I felt like these might be loosely related.
> Quite possibly.  Do you set $HOME in your Windows environment?  $HOME
> will be set to the home directory listed in '/etc/passwd' for 
> 'erikweibust' when you "login" to via secure shell.
> --
> Larry Hall                              http://www.rfk.com
> RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
> 838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
> Holliston, MA 01746                     
> --
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Erik Weibust

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