> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Emmanuel E
> Sent: 19 August 2004 18:25
> To: Max Bowsher
> Cc: cygwin

> Its been more than 24 hrs since the error was reported. And 
> still mirrors do
> not reflect the change :(
> Is it possible to do a force update of just that one file?
> I have tried ftp.iitm.ac.in , mirror.averse.net, mirrors.kernel.org,
> planetmirror.com mirrors.xmission.com 
> sources-redhat.mirror.redwire.net and
> mirrors.rcn.net. Anyone know of a working mirror?
> Thanks
> Emmanuel

  If everyone else says it's fixed, but you can't find a single mirror that
works, the most likely conclusion is that your ISP is rubbish.  Tell them to
fix their broken transparent inline http caching proxy so that it doesn't
return stale garbage data.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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