On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 01:18:31PM +0000, da wrote:
>Does anyone know of a good g++ debugger for Win32?   I've tried using Eclipse 
>and CDT but those tools are tremendously troublesome and buggy.  I tried using 
>a tool called VIDE - which looks very good, but the debugging is barely a step 
>above using GDB from the command line.  Finally, there's this "Insight" thing 
>that comes with Cygwin, but it's not very robust.
>I would be willing to $PAY$ for a good, intuitive integrated IDE/debugger that 
>actually worked well with g++ - it doesn't have to be free.  
>Any and all leads welcome.  Thanks in advance.

I'm not aware of any cygwin-based intuitive, integrated IDEs that you have to
$PAY$ for.  And, if it isn't cygwin-based, it's not really on-topic here.

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