
I'm currently trying to rebuild the Cygwin core package (i.e. 
cygwin-1.5.10-3.tar.bz2) from the cygwin-1.5.10-3-src.tar.bz2 package because 
I patched a small detail in cygwin.dll. I'd really like to use Cygwin's 
setup.exe to install my changed version and so I'm trying to produce the 
binary packages as delivered by cygwin.com normally.

I found "How do I rebuild the tools on my NT box?" in the FAQs and used it as 
a starting point. Now I can compile the tools and do "make install" to 
another directory, but the structure there looks completely different than 
that seen in the binary package cygwin-1.5.10-3.tar.bz2. It also seems that 
this tree also contains files which belong to the mingw-runtime and w32api 
packages normally (but which bring along their own source packages??).

So now my question is: what exactly is the process used for building the 
"official" cygwin core binary packages? Should I replace the cygwin, 
mingw-runtime and w32api packages all at once to have a clean new Cygwin?

I learned from http://cygwin.com/setup.html#package_contents that there should 
be a description telling the user how to rebuild a package, but I can't find 
it for the cygwin package itself.

Any help or hint is greatly appreciated...


Gernot Hillier
Siemens AG, Mch P

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