At 01:03 PM 9/1/2004, you wrote:
>Having googled the universe looking for information:
>I hope this is not to the wrong list but here goes:
>I have been using cygwin's bash shell for several years as my only 
>interface to building and developing our applications on Windows 2000 pro 
>and more recently Winodws XP pro.  Somewhere in the not to distant past 
>someting changed and I don't know if I did it or it came with an update. 
>in a bash shell typing the command: net time '\\machine' /set      should 
>retrieve the time from "machine" and prompt you for a "Y" or "N" response 
>before proceeding.
>On a Windows XP pro with sp1 the following is the result:
>$ net time '\\rwells-rh' /set
>Current time at \\rwells-rh is 9/1/2004 9:55 AM
>Local time (GMT) at \\rwells-rh is 9/1/2004 2:55 PM
>The current local clock is 9/1/2004 9:55 AM
>Do you want to set the local computer's time to match the
>time at \\rwells-rh? (Y/N) [Y]:
>No valid response was provided.
>from cygcheck -c on this machine:
>bash                 2.05b-16           OK
>cygwin               1.5.10-3           OK
>other text mode programs that expect user response via the keyboard fail 
>similarly as well.
>on another machine (Windows 2000) on which cygwin has not been updated in 
>about 10 months 
>cygcheck -c  yields:
>bash                 2.05b-16           OK
>cygwin               1.5.5-1            OK
>the command executes as expected:
>$ net time '\\rwells-rh' /set
>Current time at \\rwells-rh is 9/1/2004 11:09 AM
>Local time (GMT) at \\rwells-rh is 9/1/2004 3:09 PM
>The current local clock is 9/1/2004 11:09 AM
>Do you want to set the local computer's time to match the
>time at \\rwells-rh? (Y/N) [Y]:                                 (the enter 
>key is pressed here thus issuing the default "Y" response)
>The command completed successfully.
>other textmode programs that expect user response via the keyboard behave 
>as expected as well.
>At one time (probably some months ago) these commands behaved as expected 
>on the XP machine as well.
>It may be interesting to note that if the command that succeeds is issued 
>in an ssh session from the XP machine it fails as well.
>thanks in advance for any advice

You missed some important data requested by:

>Problem reports:

for problem reports.  Specifically, you left out the cygcheck output
from these machines.  From it, I could tell for sure whether my semi-WAG
is the solution for your problem.  Oh well.  

Take 'tty' out of the CYGWIN environment variable on the first machine
and restart the shells.  You'd see this same thing with Cygwin 1.5.5 too,
if you used 'tty' with it.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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