Hallo Frank,

> perl looks in the wrong folder for the Perl Modules, for example if i
> want to load Archive::Zip, it trys to load it from 
> D:\usr\lib\perl5\site_perl\5.8.5\XML\Simple.pm instead of 
> D:\cygwin(\usr)\lib\perl5\site_perl\5.8.5\XML\Simple.pm. So i wonder if
> this is a bug in cygwin perl or rather a bug in Apache (or a error from
> my side even?). I attached the cygcheck output, if it matters. My OS is
> Windows 2000, Apache was 2.0.50, Cygwin is 1.5.10-cr-0x5e6.

You may try to install Cygwin in the root of a drive instead of a
subdirectory and see if it works then.  Basically Cygwin applications
use the Cygwin mount system where Windows applicatoins know nothing
about, so this problem is by design.


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