Igor Pechtchanski wrote:

On Fri, 3 Sep 2004, Carlo Florendo wrote:


I'm actually not encountering any problem with cygwin now. It has
actually been performing impressively! Thanks to all you cygwin people.

That's good to know.

In any case, we keep a mirror of the cygwin releases and I was just
curious why there is a ZZZRemovedpackages directory under /release.
What's it for? Is it ok if I remove it completely from oour local mirror

I believe the category was created by Harold Hunt for the XFree86 upgrade
helpers when Cygwin/X switched to the X.org source base. The name of the
category was supposed to imply that the packages should not be installed
on a fresh install. The packages in that category are all very small,
though (about .5k per directory), and installing them should be harmless.
You can go either way.

Great! Thank you very much for the enlightenment!

Best Regards,

Carlo Florendo
Astra Philippines Inc.

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