Jani tiainen wrote:
3APA3A wrote:

Dear Jani tiainen,

--Sunday, September 19, 2004, 9:33:42 AM, you wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Jt> If you compile it under Cygwin _and_ link your app against _any_ GPL
Jt> library (including cygwin1.dll in Windoze) your application license must
Jt> be GPL. You still hold copyright for your original work (and your later
Jt> modifications) and thus can do anything with that piece of code eg. Jt> there is some examples (like MySQL) that uses dual licensing, one which
Jt> is GPL and one commercial.

Most  libraries  (Cygwin  is exception) come with LGPL, not GPL license.
LGPL  allows  you  to  create commercial application linked against this
library  as  long  as  you  provide a way to replace LGPLed library (for
example application links to library dynamically).

Well actually when you compile library with cygwin1.dll, it will be changed to GPL. There is even clause in LGPL that makes it possible. Amazing, isn't it..?

In  some  cases  it's  still  possible  to  use  some GPLed libraries in
commerce  application,  if application is not "derived work" in terms of
GPL  (for  example  you  can use GPLed plugins as long as you distribute
plugin  apart  from  you  application  and you distribute plugin in open
source under GPL).

Well, actually you can distribute plugin too, but you need to distribute sources etc. Usually it's much simpler to point out place where to get that particular plugin. Or like it's with cygwin, easier to point out to download & install cygwin than distribute whole mess by yourself.

Additionally,  there  is  a  lot  of  difference "freeware" licenses and
"public domain" code, not covered by any license.

They still are, their license are pretty "free". You can use software as you may. Still it's a license even very short one.

As  for  Cygwin:  yes,  according to GPL all derived work must be GPLed.

Copyright  question  is  not  so simple as you may think, but it primary
depends on the contracts between you and your employer.

Common practice is that company you work for owns copyright for code made at work hours. Everything else is your own. Of course this is contract guestion, but I have never heard that copyright stays with coder while working for employer - Who would risk situation that when coder leaves he/she takes code with him/her? But I've heard that sometimes employer has (at least offered) contract that _all_ code written by individual in question is property of employer. But I don't know for other countries, but at least here in Finland such a agreement is void and it is called 'act of fairness'.

More or less problematic is code made in institutions, universities and school, but I'll leave that one out.

And most of these legal matters are still officially untested in court of law. Many times these are pretty delicate matters and are settled outside court.

Jani, do you work for Redhat or Mandrake?
I was just wondering.
I know Linux is from over there.
It uses the GPL, therefore all the programs under GPL are licensed to the company who comes out with a commerical version of the kernel.
The cygwin1.dll, OTH, is just a POSIX layer that is used to make UNIX or LINUX programs a little bit more capable under Windows.
I have Windowsm Cygwin, and Linux. I know the power of the three.
These are really great programs.
Have to run. Been nice chatting with you.
Good luck and see you on the next post.
And thanks Guys. I think I'll keep doing the things I've been doing and worry about it later.

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