On Sep 24 09:20, Siegmar Gross wrote:
> Hi,
> some of my multi-threaded programs don't print everything they should.
> I have for example a small program to show that LinuxThreads don't
> behave like real POSIX threads concerning "fork()" (only the thread
> which creates a child process can wait for its termination with
> LinuxThreads). When I run the program on Solaris I get the following
> output:
> gorbag work 23 fork_thr                          !!!! Solaris
> Thread thr_fork: forking a child process.
> Child process: I'm sleeping for 2 seconds.
> Thread thr_wait: sleeping for 5 seconds.
> Thread thr_fork: sleeping for 10 seconds.
> Child process: terminating.
> Thread thr_wait: try to wait for child process.
> Thread thr_wait: child terminated.
> Thread thr_fork: try to wait for my child.       !!!!!! missing in Cygwin
> Thread thr_fork: No child processes              !!!!!! missing in Cygwin
> gorbag work 24 
> When I compile and run the program on Cygwin the last output from
> "thr_fork" will not be displayed. I've upgraded Cygwin to the latest
> version yesterday. "cygcheck -c" displays that all packages are OK. Cygwin
> is installed on Windows XP with all updates excluding SP2.
> eiger src 4 fork_thr
> Thread thr_fork: forking a child process.        !!!! Cygwin
> Thread thr_wait: sleeping for 5 seconds.
> Thread thr_fork: sleeping for 10 seconds.
> Child process: I'm sleeping for 2 seconds.
> Child process: terminating.
> Thread thr_wait: try to wait for child process.
> Thread thr_wait: child terminated.
> eiger src 5 

That's what I get with a recent Cygwin snapshot:

Thread thr_fork: forking a child process.
Thread thr_wait: sleeping for 5 seconds.
Thread thr_fork: sleeping for 10 seconds.
Child process: I'm sleeping for 2 seconds.
Thread thr_fork: 1 s of sleeping time passed
Thread thr_fork: 2 s of sleeping time passed
Child process: terminating.
Thread thr_fork: 3 s of sleeping time passed
Thread thr_fork: 4 s of sleeping time passed
Thread thr_wait: try to wait for child process.
Thread thr_wait: child terminated.
Thread thr_fork: 5 s of sleeping time passed
Thread thr_fork: 6 s of sleeping time passed
Thread thr_fork: 7 s of sleeping time passed
Thread thr_fork: 8 s of sleeping time passed
Thread thr_fork: 9 s of sleeping time passed
Thread thr_fork: 10 s of sleeping time passed
Thread thr_fork: try to wait for my child.
Thread thr_fork: No child processes

Looks ok, doesn't it?


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