Ralf Hauser wrote:

Are there any tools like d2u or u2d for UTF-8 for cygwin?
> ...

A starting point might be http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~ram/pub/pub_kfd8tk88g/perl_unicode_en ?

Not particularly cygwin related, but anyway... This is a better start: http://www.perldoc.com/perl5.8.0/lib/Encode.html

  # iso2utf8.pl
  use Encode;

    print encode("utf8", decode("iso-8859-1", $_));


  mkdir -p utf8
  for FILE in $* ; do iso2utf8.pl < $FILE > utf8/$FILE ; done

If you're sure you want in-place, finish off with

  mv utf8/* .

If you need to handle a hierarchy of files, you need to fiddle with find -print0 | xargs -0, or keep it all in perl. I'm not a perl wiz,

Cheers, Rob

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