Brian Dessent wrote:

Steve B wrote:

When I am playing the freely available standalone version of Return to Castle Wolfenstein called Enemy Territory and I have various cygwin programs such as apache's httpd, tail.exe, cygrunsrv.exe, bash.exe, or whatnot running, ET will lock up and when I bring up
the task manager, seemingly random cygwin processes will be hogging the CPU until I kill it.

If you happen to be using Process Explorer from then that's the culprit. If you have the "modules" display enabled and
happen to click on or otherwise display info about a cygwin process, the result is a 100% hang until you kill the cygwin process.

There has been talk of late about this, usually with csrss (a non Cygwin process) going wild as well as inetd, cron and other Cygwin processes. I, at times, use Procexp, other times not use it and still see occasionally this problem happening. It hogs the CPU but not that much (typically the processes are taking up 30 or so percent of the CPU but 2 or 3 of them (csrss and inetd and cron - 30 + 30 + 30 tends to get to ~100%)). This is observed with regular TaskManager not Procexp however this condition may have been tripped earlier as often my CPU is very busy anyway. So it might be that I had Procexp running and not necessarily looking at the "modules" display or anything rather it is iconified but a cygwin process, such as cron, became busy and thus got Procexp's attention possibly tripping the problem.

In any event what version of Procexp do you use and suspect is causing this problem. I have 5.20 running at home and I forget which version is running at work but I know it's a newer version.

When starting Procexp to check the version I noticed that he problem has occurred again. csrss is taking ~20% and cron ~12%. The 2 inetd's are taking ~10%. Working around this usually just involves a net stop of cron/inetd and restarting it. OK that worked. Restarting Procexp and wham! Same problem! Interesting.

There is no modules view in 5.20 BTW. There is only View: DLLs and Handles. Either setting causes this problem in Cygwin.

Ask people why they have deer heads on their walls and they tell you it's because they're such beautiful animals.I think my wife is beautiful, but I only have photographs of her on the wall.

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