On Sep 29 18:31, Rainer Hochreiter wrote:
> the attached patch implements the options -r or --recovery to set service
> failure actions. allowed actions are 'none', 'boot' or 'restar'.
> not implemented are actions for running commands on failed actions, like
> supported by the windows SCM.
> the patch also uses ChangeServiceConfig2() for setting the description of
> the installed service.

Thanks for the patch, but I can't apply it as it is, mainly  for two

> not included is the ChangeLog of the patch!

- This is reason one.

- Please don't use ChangeServiceConfig2.  It will break running cygrunsrv
  on NT4.  That's the reason the description is written directly to the
  registry instead of using ChangeServiceConfig2.

Also, what's the reason you didn't implement running commands?  I'm asking
because there are still these `#if 0' parts left in your patch which point
to the fact that you began to implement it but just stopped at one point.


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