I wrote:
> you wrote:
>> On Fri, Oct 01, 2004 at 01:19:39PM -0400, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>> On Fri, Oct 01, 2004 at 06:08:48PM +0100, Hughes, Bill wrote:
>>>> Andrew DeFaria wrote:
>>>>> Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>>> ..snip..
>>>>>> If you have cygwin programs available to you, then use the mount
>>>>>> command. If the only output from the mount command is of the
>>>>>> "noumount" variety then cygwin isn't installed in any meaningful
>>>>>> way.
>>>>> Personally I would consider the existence or non-existence of
>>>>> cygwin1.dll to be a more definitive measure of whether or not
>>>>> Cygwin is installed in a "meaningful" way.
>>>> I think it may be possible to cygwin installed and not have it in
>>>> the path, if it's started from a bat or cmd that modifies the path
>>>> etc... anyway, finding cygwin1.dll may be a slow process. It might
>>>> be better to access the registry, this jscript uses the windows
>>>> scripting host, so won't work on older boxes unless wsh is there,
>>>> but as a proof of concept it may be ok.
>>> Just having "mount.exe" and "cygwin1.dll" in the same directory and
>>> running "mount" should be adequate.
>>> If "mount" exits with a "multiple cygwin problem" then, well...

Hmm... For me this works no matter what I do... does it have to be two
DIFFERING versions of cygwin1.dll to trigger this thingie?

Having mount.exe and cygwin1.dll in a specific dir and then run "mount -m"
after "set PATH=." should be the way to go.

/Hannu E K Nevalainen, B.Sc. EE Microcomputer systems            --72-->

>>> If "mount" shows more than just /cygdrive paths, then cygwin
>> isn't installed
>>                  ^
>>                 nothing
>>> in any useful way.
> i.e. the output of "mount -m" would be empty.
> Or does a default cygdrive prefix show up there?

Test run on Win2000:

 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 749C-8A3A

 Directory of C:\DOCUME~1\Annika\LOCALS~1\Temp\z

2004-10-03  19:34       <DIR>          .
2004-10-03  19:34       <DIR>          ..
2004-09-30  20:20            1 140 105 cygwin1.dll
2004-09-05  05:18               12 288 mount.exe
               2 File(s)      1 152 393 bytes
               2 Dir(s)     174 979 072 bytes free

C:\DOCUME~1\Annika\LOCALS~1\Temp\z>mount -m

c: on /cygdrive/c type user (binmode,noumount)


Another Win2000 test, this time w cygwin installed:

Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]
(C) Copyright 1985-2000 Microsoft Corp.

... >D:

D:\>cd %TEMP%

D:\TEMP>mkdir z

D:\TEMP>cd z

D:\TEMP\z>copy c:\program\cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll .
        1 file(s) copied.

D:\TEMP\z>copy c:\program\cygwin\bin\mount.exe .
        1 file(s) copied.


D:\TEMP\z>set PATH=.

D:\TEMP\z>mount -m
mount -f -s -b "C:/Program/Cygwin/bin" "/usr/bin"
mount -f -s -b "C:/Program/Cygwin/lib" "/usr/lib"
mount -f -s -b "C:/Program/Cygwin" "/"
mount -f -s -b "D:/TEMP" "/tmp"
mount -s -b --change-cygdrive-prefix "/cygdrive"


D:\TEMP\z>echo %PATH%


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