James Merritt wrote:

This warning is a hoax.  According to this website,
Symantec Security Response encourages you to ignore
any messages regarding this hoax. It is harmless and
is intended only to cause unwarranted concern.


Thank you and have a nice day!!

james E. Merritt

--- Bobby McNulty Junior <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    Subject:URGENT - New Virus


    If you receive an email titled: "It Takes Guts
to Say Jesus"

DO NOT OPEN IT. It will erase everything on your hard drive.

This information was announced yesterday
morning from IBM; AOL states that this is a very dangerous virus, much
worse than

"Melissa," and that there is NO Remedy for it at this time.

Some very sick individual has succeeded in
using the reformat function from Norton Utilities causing it to
completely erase all documents on the hard drive.

It has been designed to work with Netscape
Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer.

It destroys Macintosh and IBM compatible computers.

This is a new, very malicious virus and not
many people know about it. Pass this warning along to EVERYONE in your
address book ! and please share it with all your online friends ASAP so
that this threat maybe stopped.

Please practice cautionary measures and tell
anyone that may have access to your computer. Forward this warning to
everyone that you know that might access the Internet.

    Joyce L. Bober

IBM Information Systems

PittsburghMailing Systems 412 - 922-8744

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Thanks for telling me. It was sent to a bunch of people before it got to me. I have the one where it was sent to a bunh of people. I wanted to show you what the hackers are doing to the net. And to personal computers that are hooked into the net. Thank you and you have a nice day.

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