"Brian Dessent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Dave Miles wrote:
> > > Since re-starting the system and repeating the copy on drive O: (the
> > > newly created NTFS partition that 'cp' worked in) the "magically created
> > > directory" now appears when using 'cp'.
> >
> > So I tried to re-format it and was denied. On investigation
> > it turned out that Norton System Works had protection enabled
> > on this drive. I disabled it and 'cp' now works again. Also
> > if you check the exclusions on a drive that Norton is
> > protecting you'll see that '\temp' is excluded.
> >
> > So for me at least disabling Norton Protection on a folder
> > or drive that I intend to use Cygwin on is the way to go.
> Thanks for the resolution, for the archives' sake.
> The moral of the story is "Expect illogical issues to crop up if you run
> invasive programs that install low-level hooks all throughout various
> system APIs."
> Brian


Although I'm pretty sure that prior releases of Cygwin have
co-existed with Mr Norton quite happily.

Did the original poster have Norton enabled?

Anyone else care to comment?


Dave Miles

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