"Igor Pechtchanski" wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Thu, 28 Oct 2004, Alex Vinokur wrote:
> > It seems that I got rid of problem "bash: kpsexpand: command not found".
> Great.  So it was simply a missing dependency problem.

I don't understand how the problem has been resolved.

> > However,
> > $ find /etc/postinstall -name \*.done | sed 's/\.done$//' | xargs cygcheck -f | 
> > uniq > postinstall.txt  // Attached
> > postinstall.txt  contains a lot of files. Is it correct?
> Sure it is.  The above command simply lists all the packages installed on
> your machine that have postinstall scripts -- nothing wrong with having
> them.  The reason I asked you to get this information initially was that
> because of your screwed up mounts the postinstall scripts may not have run
> properly, and reinstalling the packages was one way of getting them to
> re-run, so this showed which packages to reinstall.

What do the postinstall scripts do?
Who (and when) invokes them?

 Alex Vinokur
     email: alex DOT vinokur AT gmail DOT com

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